Why use a singleton instead of static methods?

Solution 1:

Often, singletons are used to introduce some kind of global state to an application. (More often than really necessary, to be honest, but that's a topic for another time.)

However, there are a few corner cases where even a stateless singleton can be useful:

  • You expect to extend it with state in the foreseeable future.
  • You need an object instance for some particular technical reason.
    Example: Synchonization objects for the C# lock or the Java synchronized statement.
  • You need inheritance, i.e., you want to be able to easily replace your singleton with another one using the same interface but a different implementation.
    Example: The Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit() method in Java will return a singleton whose exact type is system dependent.
  • You want reference equality for a sentinel value.
    Example: DBNull.Value in C#.

Solution 2:

I could see a case for a stateless singleton being used instead of a static methods class, namely for Dependency Injection.

If you have a helper class of utility functions that you're using directly, it creates a hidden dependency; you have no control over who can use it, or where. Injecting that same helper class via a stateless singleton instance lets you control where and how it's being used, and replace it / mock it / etc. when you need to.

Making it a singleton instance simply ensures that you're not allocating any more objects of the type than necessary (since you only ever need one).

Solution 3:

Actually i've found another answer not mentionned here: static methods are harder to test.

It seems most test frameworks work great for mocking instance methods but many of them no not handle in a decent way the mock of static methods.

Solution 4:

In most programming languages classes elude a lot of the type system. While a class, with its static methods and variables is an object, it very often cannot implement an interface or extend other classes. For that reason, it cannot be used in a polymorphic manner, since it cannot be the subtype of another type. For example, if you have an interface IFooable, that is required by several method signatures of other classes, the class object StaticFoo cannot be used in place of IFooable, whereas FooSingleton.getInstance() can (assuming, FooSingleton implements IFooable).

Please note, that, as I commented on Heinzi's answer, a singleton is a pattern to control instantiation. It replaces new Class() with Class.getInstance(), which gives the author of Class more control over instances, which he can use to prevent the creation of unneccessary instances. The singleton is just a very special case of the factory pattern and should be treated as such. Common use makes it rather the special case of global registries, which often ends up bad, because global registries should not be used just willy-nilly.

If you plan to provide global helper functions, then static methods will work just fine. The class will not act as class, but rather just as a namespace. I suggest, you preserve high cohesion, or you might end up with weirdest coupling issues.


Solution 5:

There is a trade-off between using which one. Singletons may or may not have state and they refer to objects. If they are not keeping state and only used for global access, then static is better as these methods will be faster. But if you want to utilize objects and OOP concepts (Inheritance polymorphism), then singleton is better.

Consider an example: java.lang.Runtime is a singleton class in java. This class allows different implementations for each JVM. The implementation is single per JVM. If this class would have been static, we cannot pass different implementations based on JVM.

I found this link really helpful: http://javarevisited.blogspot.com/2013/03/difference-between-singleton-pattern-vs-static-class-java.html?

Hope it helps!!