How to check if the user gave permission to use the camera?
Trying to write this:
if usergavepermissiontousercamera
Couldn't find a current way to do this simple task.
Note: Should also work iOS7 even if it requires a different method
You can use the following code for doing the same:
if AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatusForMediaType(AVMediaTypeVideo) == AVAuthorizationStatus.Authorized {
// Already Authorized
} else {
AVCaptureDevice.requestAccessForMediaType(AVMediaTypeVideo, completionHandler: { (granted: Bool) -> Void in
if granted == true {
// User granted
} else {
// User rejected
- Make sure that you add the
Framework in the Link Binary section of build phases - You should write
import AVFoundation
on your class for importingAVFoundation
if AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(forMediaType: AVMediaTypeVideo) == AVAuthorizationStatus.authorized {
// Already Authorized
} else {
AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess(forMediaType: AVMediaTypeVideo, completionHandler: { (granted: Bool) -> Void in
if granted == true {
// User granted
} else {
// User Rejected
Swift 4
if AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(for: .video) == .authorized {
//already authorized
} else {
AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess(for: .video, completionHandler: { (granted: Bool) in
if granted {
//access allowed
} else {
//access denied
Swift 3.0 Updated Solution
func callCamera(){
let myPickerController = UIImagePickerController()
myPickerController.delegate = self;
myPickerController.sourceType =
self.present(myPickerController, animated: true, completion: nil)
func checkCamera() {
let authStatus = AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(forMediaType: AVMediaTypeVideo)
switch authStatus {
case .authorized: callCamera() // Do your stuff here i.e. callCameraMethod()
case .denied: alertPromptToAllowCameraAccessViaSetting()
case .notDetermined: alertToEncourageCameraAccessInitially()
default: alertToEncourageCameraAccessInitially()
func alertToEncourageCameraAccessInitially() {
let alert = UIAlertController(
title: "IMPORTANT",
message: "Camera access required for capturing photos!",
preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyle.alert
alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Cancel", style: .default, handler: nil))
alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Allow Camera", style: .cancel, handler: { (alert) -> Void in
UIApplication.shared.openURL(URL(string: UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString)!)
present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)
func alertPromptToAllowCameraAccessViaSetting() {
let alert = UIAlertController(
title: "IMPORTANT",
message: "Camera access required for capturing photos!",
preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyle.alert
alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Dismiss", style: .cancel) { alert in
if AVCaptureDevice.devices(withMediaType: AVMediaTypeVideo).count > 0 {
AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess(forMediaType: AVMediaTypeVideo) { granted in
DispatchQueue.main.async() {
self.checkCamera() } }
present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)
The following is a cleaned up answer updated for Swift 4.x:
Starting with iOS 10, you must also request permission in the info.plist file to avoid a crash:
Privacy - Camera Usage Description
You must provide a string that is presented to the user with this key. Failure to do so will result in a crash when attempting to access the camera.
import AVFoundation
func checkCameraAccess() {
switch AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(for: .video) {
case .denied:
print("Denied, request permission from settings")
case .restricted:
print("Restricted, device owner must approve")
case .authorized:
print("Authorized, proceed")
case .notDetermined:
AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess(for: .video) { success in
if success {
print("Permission granted, proceed")
} else {
print("Permission denied")
func presentCameraSettings() {
let alertController = UIAlertController(title: "Error",
message: "Camera access is denied",
preferredStyle: .alert)
alertController.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Cancel", style: .default))
alertController.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Settings", style: .cancel) { _ in
if let url = URL(string: UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString) {, options: [:], completionHandler: { _ in
// Handle
present(alertController, animated: true)
This will test for the four possible answers, and then either request permission if it is notDetermined
, or direct the user to settings to enable it if it is denied
. If it is restricted
, the current user may not be able to enable it, but you should provide some form of guidance to them.