Facebook Oauth Logout

Solution 1:

I am having the same problem. I also login using oauth (I am using RubyOnRails), but for logout, I do it with JavaScript using a link like this:

<a href="/logout" onclick="FB.logout();">Logout</a> 

This first calls the onclick function and performs a logout on facebook, and then the normal /logout function of my site is called.

Though I would prefer a serverside solution as well, but at least it does what I want, it logs me out on both sites.

I am also quite new to the Facebook integration stuff and played around the first time with it, but my general feeling is that the documentation is pretty spread all over the place with lots of outdated stuff.

Solution 2:

This works as of now - and is documented on facebook's site @ http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/. Not sure how recently it was added to the documentation, pretty sure it wasn't there when I checked Feb-2012

You can programmatically log the user our of Facebook by redirecting the user to


Solution 3:

This solution no longer works with FaceBook's current API (seems it was unintended to begin with)


Try to give this link on you signout link or button where "yoursitename.com" is where u want to redirect back after signout may be ur home page.

It works..

Solution 4:

I can programmatically log user out Facebook by redirecting user to


The URL supplied in the next parameter must be a URL with the same base domain as your application as defined in your app's settings.

More details: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication