Why are some Pokemon useless?

Hi i am looking at the CP difference between Pokemon in Pokemon Go.

Below are all second teir evolution's with no further evolution's to go. Even with Type difference the Arcanine would win every fight due to it's CP. I live in a highly populated Growlith area and don't see the point in not have 6 in my fighting squad as the rest of the Pokemon are useless?

Arcanine at 70% at 1321CP

Primeape at 80% at 888CP

Fearow at 70% at 666CP

Raticate at 70% at 598CP

Jolteon at 70% at 902 CP

Is there something i am missing towards the game that only my Arcanine's have such high CP?

You missed a few important things and you underestimate type advantages.

My Wartortle with 520 CP takes out a Golbat with 800 CP in no time. Now think what a pure water type Pokémon would do to your fire squad. The attack speed and type is at least as important as CP.
Yes, Arcanine is pretty strong, but this doesn't make it the one-and-only solution. You will want to look for Pokémon to counter your opponents by type and attack bonuses, not just by surpassing their CP.

When building a team you have to look for:

  • Type (dis)advantage (0.75 x damage done & 1.25 x damage taken can be pretty painful)
  • Type of attacks (including STAB)
  • Attack speed
  • CP

This is closely associated with the other games of the Pokèmon series:

When you look at this list you will notice that Pokémon of the other games also highly differ in their stats and so it is in Pokémon Go.

The rule is: The harder to get a Pokémon, the stronger (higher max. CP) it is. (Exceptions prove the rule.)

Arcanine is an example of a very strong Pokémon also in the other games, which can even contest in the ranking of all Pokémon (not only 1st generation).

Another example would be Magikarp: Even in higher levels the maximal CP barely transcends 100. According to this in the other games Magikarp's stats are very low.