Detect if parameter passed is an array? Javascript [duplicate]

Solution 1:

if (param instanceof Array)

Edit. As of 2016, there is a ready-built method that catches more corner cases, Array.isArray, used as follows:

if (Array.isArray(param))

Solution 2:

This is the approach jQuery 1.4.2 uses:

var toString = param.prototype.toString;
var isArray = function(obj) {
        return === "[object Array]";

Solution 3:

I found this here:

function isArray(obj) {
    return obj.constructor == Array; 

also this one

function isArray(obj) {
    return (obj.constructor.toString().indexOf(”Array”) != -1);

Solution 4:

You can test the constructor property:

if (param.constructor == Array) {

Though this will include objects that have an array prototype,

function Stack() {
Stack.prototype = [];

unless they also define constructor:

Stack.prototype.constructor = Stack;


function Stack() {
    this.constructor = Stack;

Solution 5:

Some days ago I was building a simple type detection function, maybe its useful for you:


if (typeString(obj) == 'array') {


function typeString(o) {
  if (typeof o != 'object')
    return typeof o;

  if (o === null)
      return "null";
  //object, array, function, date, regexp, string, number, boolean, error
  var internalClass =
  return internalClass.toLowerCase();

The second variant of this function is more strict, because it returns only object types described in the ECMAScript specification (possible output values: "object", "undefined", "null", and "function", "array", "date", "regexp", "string", "number", "boolean" "error", using the [[Class]] internal property).