Hibernate: MyInterceptor#onFlushDirty is never called

Question: Why MyInterceptor#onFlushDirty is never called?

I extend AbstractEntityManagerFactoryBean in xml configs like

<bean id="myEntityManagerFactory" parent="abstractEntityManagerFactoryBean" abstract="true">
  <property name="entityInterceptor">
    <bean class="xxxx.MyInterceptor"/>
<bean id="abstractEntityManagerFactoryBean" class="xxxx.MyEntityManagerFactoryBean"/>


public class MyEntityManagerFactoryBean extends AbstractEntityManagerFactoryBean implements LoadTimeWeaverAware {
  private Interceptor entityInterceptor;

  public Interceptor getEntityInterceptor() {
    return entityInterceptor;

  public void setEntityInterceptor(Interceptor interceptor) {
    entityInterceptor = interceptor;


public class MyInterceptor extends EmptyInterceptor {

    public MyInterceptor() {
        System.out.println("init"); // Works well 
    // PROBLEM - is never called
    public boolean onFlushDirty(Object entity,
                                Serializable id,
                                Object[] currentState,
                                Object[] previousState,
                                String[] propertyNames,
                                Type[] types) {

        if (entity instanceof File) {
        return false;

UPDATE: [explanation why custom dirty policy looks like not my way]

I want update modified timestamp each time I change something in Folder entity EXCEPT folderPosition. In the same time folderPosition should be persistent and not transient (means cause entity to be dirty).

Due I use Spring Transactional and Hibernate Templates, there is some nuances:

1) I can't update modified timestamp at the end of each setter like:

public void setXXX(XXX xxx) {
  //PROBLEM: Hibernate templates collect object via setters, 
  //means simple get query will cause multiple 'modified' timestamp updates
  this.xxx = xxx;
  this.modified = new Date();

2) I can't call setModified manually, because it has about 25 fields, and setXXX for each field is scattered across whole app. And I have no power to make refactoring.

public class Folder {

   * GOAL: Changing of each of these fields except 'folderPosition' should cause 
   * 'modified' timestamp update
  private long id;
  private String name;
  private Date created;
  private Date modified;
  private Integer folderLocation;

  public void preUpdate() {
     //PROBLEM : change modified even if only location field has been changed!
     //PROBLEM: need to know which fields have been updated!
     modified = new Date(); 

You need to extend the findDirty method not onFlushDirty. Check this tutorial for a detail explanation with a reference to a GitHub working example.