Not getting candy for Pokemon transfer

I was transferring 3 different common Pokemons (my first transfers) and did not get any candy for it.

I picked one to Transfer, pressed Transfer button then Yes. Nothing happened, just the Yes/No dialog closed, I still saw the same Pokemon with Transfer ability in front of me.

Exiting Pokemon details view, particular Pokemon disappeared for good, I thought that it is supposed to work like that, but I got eventually no candy for that...

When and how are candies assigned to my account?

P.S. This happened 3 times as I tried.

This is another issue that many continually experience. There have been multiple occasions where I transfer a Pokemon, but I do not receive the candy as I should. Typically when this happens, it occurs during a server connection blip and something goes terrible wrong.

I have noticed that transfers appears to be more affective while connected to a WI-FI network rather than 3G/4G Mobile Data, so it may be in your best interest to wait until you have a reliable connection before transfering.

Unfortunately, as with every other issue, the only thing we can do is wait for Niantic to finally get around to fixing all these bugs.