Best way of handling entities inheritance in Spring Data JPA

Solution 1:

I used the solution also described in this post from Netgloo's blog.

The idea is to create a generic repository class like the following:

public interface ABaseRepository<T extends A> 
extends CrudRepository<T, Long> {
  // All methods in this repository will be available in the ARepository,
  // in the BRepository and in the CRepository.
  // ...

then I can write the three repositories in this way:

public interface ARepository extends ABaseRepository<A> { /* ... */ }

public interface BRepository extends ABaseRepository<B> { /* ... */ }

public interface CRepository extends ABaseRepository<C> { /* ... */ }

Moreover, to obtain a read-only repository for ARepository I can define the ABaseRepository as read-only:

public interface ABaseRepository<T> 
extends Repository<T, Long> {
  T findOne(Long id);
  Iterable<T> findAll();
  Iterable<T> findAll(Sort sort);
  Page<T> findAll(Pageable pageable);

and from BRepository extend also the Spring Data JPA's CrudRepository to achieve a read/write repository:

public interface BRepository 
extends ABaseRepository<B>, CrudRepository<B, Long> 
{ /* ... */ }