PHP exec - check if enabled or disabled

This will check if the function actually works (permissions, rights, etc):

if(@exec('echo EXEC') == 'EXEC'){
    echo 'exec works';

if(function_exists('exec')) {
    echo "exec is enabled";


What you actually want to do is use ini_get('disable_functions') to find out if it is available to you:

function exec_enabled() {
    $disabled = explode(',', ini_get('disable_functions'));
    return !in_array('exec', $disabled);

Answered on stackoverflow here: Check if "exec" is disabled, Which actually seems to come from the PHP Man page:


If the above returns true (you can use exec()), but PHP can still not trigger the script there is a good chance that you have a path issue for that script, test this by doing:

print exec('which bash');

and then try

print exec('which ogr2ogr');