How to ADD one module to initrd using mkinitrd

You do not need to worry about all the already installed modules. To begin with, boot into the rescue disk.

chroot /mnt/sysimage      # this is for Fedora specifically - YMMV
cp /boot/initrd- \
mkinitrd --preload ahci -f /boot/initrd- \

exit and reboot the system. 


You don't have to worry about all the modprobes before the "driver initialization"

ignore  --> use the --preload *MODNAME* in the arguments to mkinitrd
ignore  --> for all the rest use --with

JUST add a --preload ahci

helpful links:

  •[email protected]/msg21104.html

On a Debian system, you edit /etc/initramfs-tools/modules, and put one module name per line into the file. Then you run "mkinitramfs" and voila, it's done.

For Fedora, just put the module name in /etc/modprobe.conf and run mkinitrd. See also