Angular ui router parse query params into booleans

You should be able to use the bool as a type

url: '/foobar?{flag1:bool}&{flag2:bool}',

But we can even use our custom type (let's call it boolean):

app.config(['$urlMatcherFactoryProvider', function($urlMatcherFactory) {
 name : 'boolean',
 decode: function(val) { return val == true ? true : val == "true" ? true : false },
 encode: function(val) { return val ? 1 : 0; },
 equals: function(a, b) { return && a === b; },
 is: function(val) { return [true,false,0,1].indexOf(val) >= 0 },
 pattern: /bool|true|0|1/

And the state def for url would be like this:

url: '/foobar?{flag1:boolean}&{flag2:boolean}',

and this should work:

<a ui-sref="foobar({ flag1: 0, flag2:true })">
<a ui-sref="foobar({ flag1: 1, flag2:false })">

Here is plunker with example

Eventually the following has worked for me:

    var stringToBoolean = function (s) {
        if (typeof s != 'string') {
            return undefined

        if (/1|true|TRUE/.test(s)) {
            return true
        } else if (/0|false|FALSE/.test(s)) {
            return false
        } else {
            return undefined

     $stateProvider.state('', {
                 url: '/foobar?{flag1}',
                 onEnter: function ($stateParams) {
                        $stateParams.flag1 = stringToBoolean($stateParams.flag1);

It doesn't feel super clean, I'd rather to have had this functionality integrated into ui-router but at least I was able in this way to solve this in the level of the states, without polluting my controllers with this logic.