Weapons' upgrades unavailable in Metal Gear Rising

So, I've acidentally pressed New Game, which, unfortunately, erased all my previous purchases and status. I've already played through the game again on Hard Mode just to re-unlock my upgrades in the Shop. However, I've noticed that now I can only upgrade my weapons 1 time for each category. So, all my weapons have

Attack = 1 Absorption = 1 Comsuption = 1

As opossed to previously

Attack = 5 Absorption = 5 Comsuption = 5

Question: Are my weapons status really all 1 or are the powerful as 5 status (but without showing this explictly)?

So, it seems that in order to fully unlock the upgrades it is necessary to play through the entirety of the storyline continuosly and getting all the resistance+ as you progress.