What is the term used for people who get drunk easily?

Is there another term for someone who cannot handle consuming large amounts of alcohol besides the term 'lightweight'?

Solution 1:

"Can't hold their liquor" or "Can't handle their ale" are in common use in the UK.

Can't hold their drink/liquor

if someone can't hold their drink, they get drunk after drinking very little alcohol


Solution 2:

Not single words (although I've seen the second one hyphenated), but “cheap drunks” and “two pot screamers” are people who are/become “easily in their cups"/easily drunk.

cheap drunk (from Urban Dictionary):

Someone who easily gets drunk. They could have 3 shots of a 40% strength alcohol and they're gone. The person is cheap because they don't have to spend as much money on alcohol to get drunk.

two pot screamer ‎(plural two pot screamers):

  1. (Australia, colloquial) One who becomes talkative or rowdy after consuming a relatively small amount of alcohol; one who quickly becomes intoxicated. (Wiktionary)