Repeat table headers in print mode

This is what the THEAD element is for. Official docs here.

Some browsers repeat the thead element on each page, as they are supposed to. Others need some help: Add this to your CSS:

thead {display: table-header-group;}
tfoot {display: table-footer-group;}

Opera 7.5 and IE 5 won't repeat headers no matter what you try.


Flying Saucer xhtmlrenderer repeats the THEAD on every page of PDF output, if you add the following to your CSS:

        table {
            -fs-table-paginate: paginate;

(It works at least since the R8 release.)

UPDATE: It looks like this may have been fixed in 2016!

Original Answer (2012): Before you implement this solution it's important to know that Webkit currently doesn't do this.

Here is the relevant issue on the Chrome issue tracker:

And on the Webkit issue tracker:

Star it on the Chrome issue tracker if you want to show that it is important to you (I did).