How do I see my git remote url?

I'm sure this is a very silly question, but I searched here and online and couldn't find an answer. I have a project setup in intellij to some git server, I just want to see the details (e.g. to send to someone else the URL so they can clone etc...) how do I simply display the current project's git remote settings within Intellij IDEA, not using the command line? (version 14)

Or do I have to go to the command line for that? (I know how to do it in the git command line)

Solution 1:


git remote show origin

it will show the URL or the remote repo

Solution 2:

In WebStorm (almost same GUI like IntelliJ) it is done by clicking (Main menu) ->VCS->Git->Pull...

there you have the Remote url in the dialog window that appears.

Solution 3:

In Android Studio(3.1.2) that is based on Intellij IDEA you can do

VCS -> Git -> Remotes...
Git -> Manage Remotes...