Script to display all terminal colors
Solution 1:
Here is my solution with Bash only:
for x in {0..8}; do
for i in {30..37}; do
for a in {40..47}; do
echo -ne "\e[$x;$i;$a""m\\\e[$x;$i;$a""m\e[0;37;40m "
echo ""
for x in {0..8}; do for i in {30..37}; do for a in {40..47}; do echo -ne "\e[$x;$i;$a""m\\\e[$x;$i;$a""m\e[0;37;40m "; done; echo; done; done; echo ""
Here's a picture in Cygwin:
Solution 2:
A simple one-liner that should work for most people.
msgcat --color=test
Solution 3:
You can also use the colortest
Install it with this command:
sudo apt-get install colortest
It provides several commands which you can use, depending on how many colors you want:
colortest-16 colortest-16b colortest-256 colortest-8
Example output from colortest-16b
Solution 4:
Here's my version:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
terse = "-t" in sys.argv[1:] or "--terse" in sys.argv[1:]
write = sys.stdout.write
for i in range(2 if terse else 10):
for j in range(30, 38):
for k in range(40, 48):
if terse:
write("\33[%d;%d;%dm%d;%d;%d\33[m " % (i, j, k, i, j, k))
write("%d;%d;%d: \33[%d;%d;%dm Hello, World! \33[m \n" %
(i, j, k, i, j, k,))
This prints everything. If you want a nice table (that only shows style (0) and (1), normal and bold), you can use the -t
or --terse
The 'blink' style (5) doesn't work with gnome-terminal. ;-)
If this doesn't work for you, there's something else wrong. Please let us know once you've tested it.