Error:Unable to locate adb within SDK in Android Studio

Does anyone know what this means? When I click the "run" button on my simulator I get this message.

Throwable: Unable to locate adb within SDK

I am running the latest version, 0.8.14.

Solution 1:

The ADB is now located in the Android SDK platform-tools.

  1. Check your [sdk directory]/platform-tools directory and if it does not exist, then open the SDK manager in the Android Studio (a button somewhere in the top menu, android logo with a down arrow), switch to SDK tools tab and and select/install the Android SDK Platform-tools.

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

  1. Alternatively, you can try the standalone SDK Manager: Open the SDK manager and you should see a "Launch Standalone SDK manager" link somewhere at the bottom of the settings window. Click and open the standalone SDK manager, then install/update the

"Tools > Android SDK platform tools".

  1. If the above does not solve the problem, try reinstalling the tools: open the "Standalone SDK manager" and uninstall the Android SDK platform-tools, delete the [your sdk directory]/platform-tools directory completely and install it again using the SDK manager.

  2. Check your antivirus chest. Sometimes the Antivirus program thinks adb.exe is a virus. If you find it there please restore the file and it will start working. You can also put adb.exe as a safe file in you Antivirus program.

enter image description here enter image description here

Hope this helps!

Solution 2:

In my case I had no SDK selected for my project(not sure why). Simply went to Project Structure dialog (alt+ctrl+shift+s or button 1 on the screen) and then to project-> Project SDK's was selected <no SDK>. Just changed it to the latest

Project Structure dialog