How to get the parameter names of an object's constructors (reflection)? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

As mentioned in the comments on Roman's answer, the parameter names can be retrieved if the compiler included debugging symbols, though not through the standard Java Reflection API. Below is an example illustrating how you could obtain parameter names via the debugging symbols using the ASM bytecode library:

 * Returns a list containing one parameter name for each argument accepted
 * by the given constructor. If the class was compiled with debugging
 * symbols, the parameter names will match those provided in the Java source
 * code. Otherwise, a generic "arg" parameter name is generated ("arg0" for
 * the first argument, "arg1" for the second...).
 * This method relies on the constructor's class loader to locate the
 * bytecode resource that defined its class.
 * @param constructor
 * @return 
 * @throws IOException
public static List<String> getParameterNames(Constructor<?> constructor) throws IOException {
    Class<?> declaringClass = constructor.getDeclaringClass();
    ClassLoader declaringClassLoader = declaringClass.getClassLoader();

    Type declaringType = Type.getType(declaringClass);
    String constructorDescriptor = Type.getConstructorDescriptor(constructor);
    String url = declaringType.getInternalName() + ".class";

    InputStream classFileInputStream = declaringClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(url);
    if (classFileInputStream == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The constructor's class loader cannot find the bytecode that defined the constructor's class (URL: " + url + ")");

    ClassNode classNode;
    try {
        classNode = new ClassNode();
        ClassReader classReader = new ClassReader(classFileInputStream);
        classReader.accept(classNode, 0);
    } finally {

    List<MethodNode> methods = classNode.methods;
    for (MethodNode method : methods) {
        if ("<init>") && method.desc.equals(constructorDescriptor)) {
            Type[] argumentTypes = Type.getArgumentTypes(method.desc);
            List<String> parameterNames = new ArrayList<String>(argumentTypes.length);

            List<LocalVariableNode> localVariables = method.localVariables;
            for (int i = 0; i < argumentTypes.length; i++) {
                // The first local variable actually represents the "this" object
                parameterNames.add(localVariables.get(i + 1).name);

            return parameterNames;

    return null;

This example uses the ASM library's tree API. If speed and memory are precious, you can refactor the example to use its visitor API instead.

Solution 2:


Oh for goodness sake SO, really, you're going to make me enter at least 30 characters to edit an existing answer to make it correct.

Solution 3:

This information is lost after compilation and can't be retrieved at runtime.