I have a set of data that shown below on excel.

R/V(208,0,32)   YR/V(255,156,0)         Y/V(255,217,0)
R/S(184,28,16)  YR/S(216,128,0)         Y/S(209,171,0)
R/B(255,88,80)  YR/B(255,168,40)    Y/B(255,216,40)

And I want to separate the data in each cell look like this.

R/V 208 0 32
R/S 184 28 16
R/B 255 88 80

what is the function in excel that I can use for this case. Thank you in advance.

kennytm doesn't provide an example so here's how you do substrings:

=MID(text, start_num, char_num)

Let's say cell A1 is Hello.

=MID(A1, 2, 3) 

Would return


Because it says to start at character 2, e, and to return 3 characters.

In Excel, the substring function is called MID function, and indexOf is called FIND for case-sensitive location and SEARCH function for non-case-sensitive location. For the first portion of your text parsing the LEFT function may also be useful.

See all the text functions here: Text Functions (reference).

Full worksheet function reference lists available at:

    Excel functions (by category)
    Excel functions (alphabetical)

Another way you can do this is by using the substitute function. Substitute "(", ")" and "," with spaces. e.g.

 =SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A1, "(", " "), ")", " "), ",", " ")