pandas: best way to select all columns whose names start with X

Just perform a list comprehension to create your columns:

In [28]:

filter_col = [col for col in df if col.startswith('foo')]
['foo.aa', 'foo.bars', 'foo.fighters', '', 'foo.manchu']
In [29]:

   foo.aa  foo.bars  foo.fighters foo.manchu
0     1.0         0             0        2         NA
1     2.1         0             1        4          0
2     NaN         0           NaN        1          0
3     4.7         0             0        0          0
4     5.6         0             0        0          0
5     6.8         1             0        5          0

Another method is to create a series from the columns and use the vectorised str method startswith:

In [33]:

   foo.aa  foo.bars  foo.fighters foo.manchu
0     1.0         0             0        2         NA
1     2.1         0             1        4          0
2     NaN         0           NaN        1          0
3     4.7         0             0        0          0
4     5.6         0             0        0          0
5     6.8         1             0        5          0

In order to achieve what you want you need to add the following to filter the values that don't meet your ==1 criteria:

In [36]:

   bar.baz  foo.aa  foo.bars  foo.fighters foo.manchu
0      NaN       1       NaN           NaN      NaN        NaN     NaN
1      NaN     NaN       NaN             1      NaN        NaN     NaN
2      NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN        1        NaN     NaN
3      NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN      NaN        NaN     NaN
4      NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN      NaN        NaN     NaN
5      NaN     NaN         1           NaN      NaN        NaN     NaN


OK after seeing what you want the convoluted answer is this:

In [72]:

df.loc[df[df[df.columns[pd.Series(df.columns).str.startswith('foo')]] == 1].dropna(how='all', axis=0).index]
   bar.baz  foo.aa  foo.bars  foo.fighters foo.manchu
0      5.0     1.0         0             0        2         NA      NA
1      5.0     2.1         0             1        4          0       0
2      6.0     NaN         0           NaN        1          0       1
5      6.8     6.8         1             0        5          0       0

Now that pandas' indexes support string operations, arguably the simplest and best way to select columns beginning with 'foo' is just:

df.loc[:, df.columns.str.startswith('foo')]

Alternatively, you can filter column (or row) labels with df.filter(). To specify a regular expression to match the names beginning with foo.:

>>> df.filter(regex=r'^foo\.', axis=1)
   foo.aa  foo.bars  foo.fighters foo.manchu
0     1.0         0             0        2         NA
1     2.1         0             1        4          0
2     NaN         0           NaN        1          0
3     4.7         0             0        0          0
4     5.6         0             0        0          0
5     6.8         1             0        5          0

To select only the required rows (containing a 1) and the columns, you can use loc, selecting the columns using filter (or any other method) and the rows using any:

>>> df.loc[(df == 1).any(axis=1), df.filter(regex=r'^foo\.', axis=1).columns]
   foo.aa  foo.bars  foo.fighters foo.manchu
0     1.0         0             0        2         NA
1     2.1         0             1        4          0
2     NaN         0           NaN        1          0
5     6.8         1             0        5          0