How to make an Avermedia AverTV Volar Green HD work?

Solution 1:

Solution on Ubuntu 13.10 & 14.04

from this source, note that this solution is simpler than on 12.04

1. Download the firmware

$ cd /lib/firmware/
$ sudo wget
$ sudo wget

2. Install the needed application

$ sudo apt-get install git
$ sudo apt-get install  libproc-processtable-perl

3. Install the latest v4l-dvb

from the wiki How to Obtain, Build and Install V4L-DVB Device Drivers:

$ git clone --depth=1 git://
$ cd media_build 
$ ./build

4. Reboot

$ sudo reboot

5. Check if device is properly installed

see below

Solution 2:

Solution on Ubuntu 12.4 kernel 3.2

0. Check your kernel

$ uname -r

1. Plug in the USB TV Tuner

You can check that it is correctly plug in with lsusb

$ lsusb
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 07ca:a835 AVerMedia Technologies, Inc.

2. Download the driver for AF9035 dvb-t usb dongle (3.2.x kernel version)

Note that this driver should work with:
- Avermedia AVerTV A835 HD (ID 07ca:b835)
- Avermedia AVerTV A835 HD PRO (ID 07ca:a835)
- Avermedia AverTV A835 Green HD (ID 07ca:a835)
- TerraTec Cinergy T Stick (ID 0ccd:0093)
- TerraTec Cinergy T Stick 2 (ID 0ccd:00aa)
- Avermedia AverTV A825 (ID 07ca:0825)

$ git clone git://
$ cd DVB-AF9035_kernel-3.2.0
$ make
$ sudo make install

3. Download the firmware(s)

$ cd /lib/firmware/
$ sudo wget
$ sudo wget

I downloaded these 2 firmwares, I do not know which one is used.

4. Reboot

$ sudo reboot

5. Check if device is properly loaded

see below