CTRL-F Opens Terminal

I have somehow set Ctrl+F to open xterm Terminal (not my default).

I tried finding the configuration in dconf, but I didn't find anything mentioning keyboard shortcuts, except one custom column with "command1" to some number, but it didn't have anything with Ctrl+F.

How do I change back?

Solution 1:

If you have xbindkeys installed, Ctrl+F is one of the default shortcuts enabled that launches xterm. It can, however, conflict with your other custom keyboard shortcuts.

To deactivate the shortcut, edit your ~/.xbindkeysrc and comment out the shortcut so it looks like this:

# set directly keycode (here control + f with my keyboard)
#  c:41 + m:0x4

Now, this setting will not be read until xbindkeys restarts, so run killall xbindkeys and then xbindkeys & if you want to restart it. Alternatively, you can just logout and login again.