What is the difference between Weapon Accuracy and Critical Hit Accuracy?

When viewing statistics for various heroes under Career Profile, most heroes have a Weapon Accuracy and a Critical Hit Accuracy stat.

I assume that "critical hit" refers to headshots, and "weapon accuracy" is how accurate you are with a weapon, of course.

What I don't understand is what "critical hit accuracy" is. How is this different from "weapon accuracy"?

Solution 1:

Weapon Accuracy: Out of all of the shots you fired, how many you hit. For example: out of 100 Shots fired, 50 shots hit, so you have 50% Weapon Accuracy.

Critical Hit Accuracy: Out of all the shots you hit, how many were critical (headshots). For example, out of 200 shots fired, 100 shots hit, but 20 were criticals, so you have 20% Critical Hit Accuracy.

And going a step further, Widowmaker has a special stat called Scoped Critical Accuracy, which is the accuracy for criticals dealt while scoped (so the SMG shots don't count)

Solution 2:

It's the percentage of how much of your shots are critical hits. Basically, if you have 10 shots in your record and 2 of them are headshots for example, your critical hit accuracy would be 20%.

I do not know whether or not missed shots are counted in this stat, however.