What is the best way to update the name of a Service?

I changed the name of a Service by navigating to /Users/Me/Library/Services/ and renaming the .workflow file in Finder. I tried restarting the computer, but the previous Service name still exists in the menu bar and the context menu.

Is there something that I can do to force the computer to review the names of my Services?

After renaming the .workflow file in Finder, open the file in Automator and then save the file (press ⌘ command + S). The file must be re-saved in Automator if you want the new name to appear in the menu bar and context menu.

Then, restart your computer.

By following these steps, I got my Service names to update.

You can try using lsregister:

/System/L*/Fr*/CoreS*/V*/A/F*/L*/V*/A/S*/lsregister -kill -seed -r -f -v -domain local -domain user -domain system