postfix: catch outgoing mail and redirect

Solution 1:

Your /etc/postfix/transport is invalid. According to it should contain something like

.dev   local:

then all mails to *.dev will go to the account specified by the local part in front of the @. With only the transport_maps it is not possible to also redirect local parts to local aliases.

Solution 2:

You could try to setup .dev domain as postfix Mail forwarding domain using virtual delivery mechanism, but I'm not sure how it will work with fake TLD.

Solution 3:

Transports is used to tell postfix how to send the message to the next hop, not for rewriting. What you want is address rewriting or perhaps an alias. is a good starting place. Depending on your setup you may be able to use the generic map, also detailed at the above link.

Transport maps are used for example when overruling MX records or routing domain to a different server, not when you want one address to be changed to another.