A word for something you didn't know you'd like

I need a noun that succinctly describes the enigmatic concept of something that, based on your tastes, you would probably like, but didn't know you'd like. Anyone game?

Edit: If it can be understood in context, a made-up word is just as good, if not better.

Edit2: I've seen a lot of mentions of the word "serendipity". "Serendipity" carries too many connotations of "fate" and "luck." This concept would have to deal with the idea of something being introduced to you by someone who knows, evidently, that you would like this thing.

Solution 1:

While the strict meaning is a bit different, the term lagniappe could potentially be stretched to serve as a word meaning "an unexpected gift" or pleasure.

Solution 2:

You might say it was serendipitously satisfying, where serendipity is the finding of valuable or agreeable things not specifically looked for.

Some people might interpret the serendipity in this expression as referring to the 'happy accident' of actually finding the satisfying thing, but to me it clearly indicates that it's the satisfaction itself that was unexpectedly found.

Or of course you could say it was unexpectly enjoyable/pleasurable, which would mean much the same. But I favour serendipitously because it's a somewhat more unusual word, so hopefully the hearer would pay it a bit more attention — and thereby avoid the misinterpretation as above.

LATER OP having clarified that he wants a single word, that it should be 'gifted' rather than chanced upon, and that he wants 'unexpectedness' associated with the fact of receiving it rather than unexpectly turning out to be a benefit, I suggest the alternative boon, (link) which is related to bonus, obviously, and carries the same associations of being received unexpectly and/or additionally.

Solution 3:

I was actually trying to answer "Is there a word meaning unexpected pleasure?" But that has been marked as duplicate, so I must answer here.

Everyone is overthinking this. How about treat?

To use an example from the other question:

For example: you book into a cheap hotel and have low expectations for a good experience (dirty linen, no room service, noise, etc) ... but then you discover that your favorite band is doing a gig there.

Or: you book into an expensive hotel, and figure there will be the usual roll call of luxuries perfectly executed to make your stay a pleasure ... but then you discover that your favorite band is doing a gig there.

This could be followed by "What a treat!"