macOS Sierra - why did my Calendar stop free-scrolling?

Solution 1:

Put two fingers on the page and move it to the left or the right, stop when you want. It is still there. The arrows move a page completely, set to day, week or month when you want to use the arrows.

Solution 2:

There seems to be a fundamental bug in the calendar. I was researching this yesterday, came across your question. Didn't understand LexS's answer, didn't want to go through the hassle of deleting plists.

The next morning, I still have this page open on one monitor and my calendar open on the next. I go to scroll the calendar and... tada, it scrolls fine.

The only thing I can think that I did was move a repeating item from the day before the current day to the day after the current day. Maybe that's what causes it? Who knows.

Solution 3:

I use an iMac, MacAir, & iPad. After upgrading the iMac to Sierra, the calendar scrolling feature on month & year view stopped working. I called Apple and 2 reps said that this feature no longer exists in Sierra. I'm not upgrading my other Apple products. Apple Reps suggesting entering feedback about the loss of function at Rep said if enough people send feedback, then they are more likely to consider bringing the feature back.