Is there a program to mount all of my drives automatically?

This works in 12.10 - 16.10

Type Disks in Dash, and you will get:

enter image description here

Click on the little gears icon, to get the sub menu, and choose Edit Mount Options. After that you will see:

enter image description here

Change the Automatic Mount Options to ON. do that to all the drives that you need mounted on start-up.

Note: Be careful with what you modify, it may cause the system not to work properly.

How to auto mount NTFS part/disks in Ubuntu

Press the Ubuntu button, start your disks application.


select your NTFS Partition/Disk? Press the configuration button select Edit Mount Options...

Edit Mount Options

Turn off the Automatic Mount Options, select Mount at startup. choose your Display Name Like Data or partition-Data or seriously-not-porn, whichever best describes your personality?!

Mount Options window

Mount Point means where do you want it to be mounted! this could be /mnt/DATA//home/username/part-data or /home/username/Videos/no-porno again, what best describes your personality! After that Press OK, type in your password, again OK. and restart your system, and see your mounted HardDiskdrive.


  • How To: auto mount NTFS part/disks in Ubuntu - EuroBytes