Ninject sample application? [closed]

Solution 1:

Shameless plug: I have put together a very basic tutorial to get started with Ninject. Have a look at Ninject Mini-Tutorial Part1 and Ninject Mini-Tutorial Part2. That should help go get you started.

There you can find a reference to the source code on Github.

Solution 2:

Ninject can be used with various types of Applications. It could be an ASP.NET WebForms application, ASP.NET MVC application or others.

For a detailed (with screenshots) step-by-step tutorial (with sample application to download) have a look at the following in addition to the Ninject "dojo" walkthrough that bryanray has mentioned.

Please note that this tutorial was written when ASP.NET MVC 2.0 was NOT released. Tiny modifications would be needed to get it working with ASP.NET MVC 2.0, like obtaining the appropriate Ninject.Framework.MVC.dll

Solution 3:

Also take a look at these screencasts in DimeCast. Good starter.