How enable physical keyboard on Emulator in Android Studio? (Used to work)

I'm not sure what changed but the physical keyboard from my computer no longer works for the emulator (running kitkat in Nexus 5, x86). When i look in AVD at the device's advanced settings, there's nothing for a hardware keyboard. Where is this setting?

Solution 1:

In the advanced settings of a virtual device in Android Studio 1.0.2 AVD Manager, there is actually a checkbox that allows to enable keyboard input without editing the config.ini by hand.

Tools → Android → AVD Manager → pencil icon (shown in picture) → Show Advanced Settings (scroll to bottom) → Enable Keyboard Input

enter image description here

Solution 2:

Find the emulator's configuration in your home directory:

//Located in:

For example, on the Nexus 5 (created by Android Studio), it was:


Change the below setting to be:


Solution 3:

Open and Navigate to Tools → Android → AVD Manager → Edit -> pencil icon)

enter image description here

Click on Show Advanced settings and scroll down and you can see the option Enable Keyboard input (example second image) Check that box and Click on Finish.

enter image description here