How to perform nominal to numeric conversion of attributes in WEKA?

I have a dataset containing a mixture of numerical and nominal attributes. I want to convert all the nominal attributes in the dataset to numeric so that I can apply the SVM classifier kernel(PolyKernel and RBFKernel) that only works with numeric attributes. Any help would be greatly appreciated. FYI I've already tried NominalToBinary Filter(Its not really what I want)

One thing you could do is convert all of the label names for the attribute using RenameNominalValues. Please note that all of these new labels would need to be numeric, so you might need to change them as below:

enter image description here

Once this is done, then you could save the .ARFF File, and change the entry in your attributes list from:

@attribute a0 {false,true,maybe}


@attribute a0 numeric

Once saved, reload the document and hopefully all will load okay.

Alternatively, you could try your favorite Spreadsheet Application if conversion of your data back to ARFF would not be an issue.

Hope this Helps!