Setting Java Runtime setting for all users on a client PC

Maybe you can try modifying a System Deployment Properties file? Short version of usage below:

  1. You need to create a file named deployment.config and put it in either %SystemRoot%\Sun\Java\Deployment or your JRE's \lib\ directory.
  2. The deployment.config contains a pointer to a file, as below:


  3. The file contains the properties that you want to set system-wide, one per line. For my organization, we occasionally have problems with the JRE's caching causing problems, so I disable it with deployment.cache.enabled=false and prevent users from changing the value with deployment.cache.enabled.locked= If you're not sure about the syntax, make the changes for yourself and look at the file normally located in C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment. At least, I think that's the path in XP. On my Win 7 system it's in AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment.

I don't know if you can set the JRE options like this, but it's worth a shot.

Use the JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable to store the runtime options that will be used by the JVM during startup.

As far as setting this across users is concerned, you could do this via a logon script or via the Windows registry.


Given the presence of a Java applet, it would be worthwhile to investigate whether Java 6 Update 10 or higher versions of the Java runtime could be installed on desktop PCs. Additionally, one would also have to specify the desired Xmx value using the java_arguments parameter to the applet; this parameter was introduced in 6u10. This might not be so trivial in the case of Oracle Forms 10g, as it requires editing of the web page where the applet is loaded from, but is worth a try.

See the related StackOverflow question for more details.

The Windows environmental variable is called JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS.

The file is the same as starting System Properties -> Java -> (Tab) Java -> (Button) View and modifying the runtime parameter table entry.