Is there a database of word families? [closed]

Is there any where that I can download the database/dictionary for word families? For example one line of it will have something like this:

Pellucid, pellucidity, pellucidly, pellucidness

A top google search gives me the Word Family Framework of British Council. But it only contains popular words. I also have tried all the links in Is there an online sample sentence database or search engine? question, but they don't give me what I need.

This page has a list of ~28,000 word families:

"This list is a combination of lists 1 to 25, 32 and 33 of the BNC/COCA word family lists by Paul Nation. Nonsense words (lists 26 to 30), proper nouns (list 31) and abbreviations (list 34) were not included."

If you'd like all 34 lists then check out the links at the bottom of this page:

specifically the link: "BNC/COCA family lists + extras (Version 2.00)"

More information on the word families by Paul Nation:

Paul Nation home page:

The OED can be interrogated with the search term, for example, pellucid*

  1. pellucid, adj. and n. 1563 ...Transmitting or allowing the passage of light; translucent, transparent....
  2. pellucid zone in pellucid, adj. and n. 1890 ...= zona pellucidazona....
  3. pellucidity, n. 1642 ...The quality or condition of being pellucid; transparency, clarity, lucidity. Now chiefly figurative....
  4. pellucidly, adv. 1754 ...In a pellucid manner; transparently, clearly, lucidly. Now frequently figurative....
  5. pellucidness, n. 1684 ...Pellucid quality or condition; pellucidity....
  6. † pellucido-, comb. form 1847 ...Forming adjectives with the sense ‘pellucidly’....
  7. pellucido-punctate in † pellucido-, comb. form 1847 ...marked with pellucid spots....
  8. pellucid-punctulate in punctulate, adj.