Finding what branch a Git commit came from

While Dav is correct that the information isn't directly stored, that doesn't mean you can't ever find out. Here are a few things you can do.

Find branches the commit is on

git branch -a --contains <commit>

This will tell you all branches which have the given commit in their history. Obviously this is less useful if the commit's already been merged.

Search the reflogs

If you are working in the repository in which the commit was made, you can search the reflogs for the line for that commit. Reflogs older than 90 days are pruned by git-gc, so if the commit's too old, you won't find it. That said, you can do this:

git reflog show --all | grep a871742

to find commit a871742. Note that you MUST use the abbreviatd 7 first digits of the commit. The output should be something like this:

a871742 refs/heads/completion@{0}: commit (amend): mpc-completion: total rewrite

indicating that the commit was made on the branch "completion". The default output shows abbreviated commit hashes, so be sure not to search for the full hash or you won't find anything.

git reflog show is actually just an alias for git log -g --abbrev-commit --pretty=oneline, so if you want to fiddle with the output format to make different things available to grep for, that's your starting point!

If you're not working in the repository where the commit was made, the best you can do in this case is examine the reflogs and find when the commit was first introduced to your repository; with any luck, you fetched the branch it was committed to. This is a bit more complex, because you can't walk both the commit tree and reflogs simultaneously. You'd want to parse the reflog output, examining each hash to see if it contains the desired commit or not.

Find a subsequent merge commit

This is workflow-dependent, but with good workflows, commits are made on development branches which are then merged in. You could do this:

git log --merges <commit>..

to see merge commits that have the given commit as an ancestor. (If the commit was only merged once, the first one should be the merge you're after; otherwise you'll have to examine a few, I suppose.) The merge commit message should contain the branch name that was merged.

If you want to be able to count on doing this, you may want to use the --no-ff option to git merge to force merge commit creation even in the fast-forward case. (Don't get too eager, though. That could become obfuscating if overused.) VonC's answer to a related question helpfully elaborates on this topic.

This simple command works like a charm:

git name-rev <SHA>

For example (where test-branch is the branch name):

git name-rev 651ad3a
251ad3a remotes/origin/test-branch

Even this is working for complex scenarios, like:


Here git name-rev commit<SHA2> returns branchB.

Update December 2013:

sschuberth comments

git-what-branch (Perl script, see below) does not seem to be maintained anymore. git-when-merged is an alternative written in Python that's working very well for me.

It is based on "Find merge commit which include a specific commit".

git when-merged [OPTIONS] COMMIT [BRANCH...]

Find when a commit was merged into one or more branches.
Find the merge commit that brought COMMIT into the specified BRANCH(es).

Specifically, look for the oldest commit on the first-parent history of BRANCH that contains the COMMIT as an ancestor.

Original answer September 2010:

Sebastien Douche just twitted (16 minutes before this SO answer):

git-what-branch: Discover what branch a commit is on, or how it got to a named branch

This is a Perl script from Seth Robertson that seems very interesting:


git-what-branch [--allref] [--all] [--topo-order | --date-order ]
[--quiet] [--reference-branch=branchname] [--reference=reference]


Tell us (by default) the earliest causal path of commits and merges to cause the requested commit got onto a named branch. If a commit was made directly on a named branch, that obviously is the earliest path.

By earliest causal path, we mean the path which merged into a named branch the earliest, by commit time (unless --topo-order is specified).


If many branches (e.g. hundreds) contain the commit, the system may take a long time (for a particular commit in the Linux tree, it took 8 second to explore a branch, but there were over 200 candidate branches) to track down the path to each commit.
Selection of a particular --reference-branch --reference tag to examine will be hundreds of times faster (if you have hundreds of candidate branches).


 # git-what-branch --all 1f9c381fa3e0b9b9042e310c69df87eaf9b46ea4
 1f9c381fa3e0b9b9042e310c69df87eaf9b46ea4 first merged onto master using the following minimal temporal path:
   v2.6.12-rc3-450-g1f9c381 merged up at v2.6.12-rc3-590-gbfd4bda (Thu May  5 08:59:37 2005)
   v2.6.12-rc3-590-gbfd4bda merged up at v2.6.12-rc3-461-g84e48b6 (Tue May  3 18:27:24 2005)
   v2.6.12-rc3-461-g84e48b6 is on master
   v2.6.12-rc3-461-g84e48b6 is on v2.6.12-n

This program does not take into account the effects of cherry-picking the commit of interest, only merge operations.