I'm aware there's already been a question and answer regarding Nvidia drivers, but my case is a little different. My wireless adapter's driver is proprietary, and for a minimal install, I need a command to install it. A general command for any other restricted driver that I may come across in the future would also be extremely helpful.

You can run jockey-text, which is the command line equivalent of the "Additional Drivers" GUI tool.

jockey-text -h will show you the options available.

jockey-text -l

shows what drivers are available

jockey-text -e <type:name>

enables a driver. Only last -e seems to be used. eg.

jockey-text -e kmod:wl

It goes quiet for a long time during which it fetches and installs the driver. You can use

jockey-text -l

again to check that your driver is now enabled.