How can I use the FOR attribute of a LABEL tag without the ID attribute on the INPUT tag

it's been resolved here: just do it like this

<label><input type="checkbox">Some text</label>

The best, to my mind, what you can do, is to rename all the checkboxes, by adding some prefix to their ids, for example input

     <input type="checkbox" id="input_prologue" />
     <label for="input_prologue">prologue</label>
     <input type="checkbox" id="input_chapter" />
     <label for="input_chapter">chapter</label>
     <input type="checkbox" id="input_summary" />
     <label for="input_summary">summary</label>
     <input type="checkbox" id="input_etc" />
     <label for="input_etc">etc</label>

This way you will not have any conflicts with other ids on a page, and clicking the label will toggle the checkbox without any special javascript function.

EDIT: In retrospect, my solution is far from ideal. I recommend that you instead leverage "implicit label association" as shown in this answer:

My proposed, less-than-ideal solution is below:

This problem can be easily solved with a little javascript. Just throw the following code in one of your page's js files to give <label> tags the following behavior:

When a label is clicked:

If there is an element on the page with an id matching the label's for attribute, revert to default functionality and focus that input.

If no match was found using id, look for a sibling of the label with a class matching the label's for attribute, and focus it.

This means that you can lay out your forms like this:

    <label for="login-validation-form-email">Email Address:</label>
    <input type="text" class="login-validation-form-email" />

Alas, the actual code:

    $('body').on('click', 'label', function(e){
        var labelFor = $( this ).attr('for');
        if( !document.getElementById(labelFor) ){
            e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation();
            var input = $( this ).siblings('.'+labelFor);
            if( input )

Note: This may cause issues when validating your site against the W3C spec, since the <label> for attribute is supposed to always have a corresponding element on the page with a matching ID.

Hope this helps!