References to deceased persons [closed]

Having dealt recently with materials translated from Hebrew, I noticed that references to deceased individuals throughout the materials were made with the usage of the letters "ZL" after the person's name (apparently a transliteration of an acronym for the Hebrew expression "of blessed memory").

Seeing how that's not a common thing (as far as I know of) in US English, and the items in question were intended for common readership from what I could tell (in other words, not just Jews/Isralies familiar with that), would it not be more appropriate to change it to a form such as "the late John Smith" for example, or other alternative forms, whatever they may be, rather than preserve the exact form of the non-English source?

You may use the dagger typographic symbol after the person's name.

The dagger (or obelisk) HTML code is "&#.8224 or "&.dagger" (the dot intentionally inserted in the codes to view them shall be removed)

RIP (Rest In Peace from latin requiescat in pace) is an alternative, for example in "This university was founded by Thomas Jefferson, RIP".