Antonym of "Portable" in the context of a computer programme?

First, some background information...

In terminology regarding computer programmes, the term portable typically means being operational without having to install. In more advanced speak, it's where a programme can be used without it affecting the system registry in any way.

Typically, the portable application (an EXE file), along with all the supporting files necessary for the programme to properly run¹, is stored in a single folder (downloadable as a zip file). In this respect, it's considered portable because it's self-contained, and as such can be used on any computer the folder is located on.

In comparison, most programmes that people use are actually installed on the specific computer itself, so that the system registry is changed, and the EXE—along with all the necessary supporting files—is stored in the "Program Files" director(y)(ies)² in your main hard drive (usually C:/ but can be any other drive you choose). In this way, it's not considered "portable" because it's tied to that specific computer.

Now, the question...

I want to know if there is an antonym in computing jargon for portable. In other words, I'd like to know if there's a word out there that means "non-portable" in the sense described above. (Other than non-portable. Obviously. Also, I'm aware "installed" is an appropriate candidate. I'd like to know if there is another term not so ad hoc-y.)

It can be either common or rare, but must be actually in use (i.e., not made up on the spot here at EL&U). If there is no word, that's fine; just tell me. I don't want a made-up word; I want a word that's actually used, even if only a little bit.

(Note: I said word here, not term, so it'd have to be an adjective that can be used in the format [~~~] application, in clear opposition to the format [portable] application, which is a very common phrase used to refer to portable programmes.)

¹ DLLs, PNG/JPG/BMPs, INIs, etc.

² In Windows, it's usually (if not always) either Program Files or Program Files (x86), depending on whether you install the 64-bit or 32-bit version of said programme, respectively.

I think that an installed application is the "opposite" of a portable one:

Portable application (portable app), sometimes also called standalone,:

  • is a program designed to run on a compatible computer without being installed in a way that modifies the computer's configuration information. This type of application can be stored on any storage device, including internal mass storage and external storage such as USB drives and floppy disks – storing its program files and any configuration information and data on the storage medium alone.

Installation (or setup) of a computer program (including device drivers and plugins):

  • is the act of making the program ready for execution. Because the process varies for each program and each computer, programs (including operating systems) often come with an installer, a specialized program responsible for doing whatever is needed for their installation. Installation may be part of a larger software deployment process.


Speaking as a programmer by trade, with decades of experience, the most common antonym I encounter by far to portable is simply non-portable.

I've never heard portable software used to refer to being operational without having to install. Portable software, rather, is software that runs on any platform with a minimum of extra work - either it's available as one of several compiled versions the user can download and run, or the source code is available and can be compiled on any platform, presumably with a single command or action. If it's available in multiple compiled forms (i.e., an EXE, SH, etc.), then that may still result in an installation step, but the software is still considered portable, because the same source code was (probably) used to produce both downloadable binaries. It's portable even if it modifies a Windows registry, drops a script for itself in /etc/init, et cetera.

The term that would most closely mean operational without having to install would probably be ready-to-run, but in general, I never even encounter this meaning, let alone as a one-word term, nor its antonym.