Quick Scoping technique in Modern Warfare 2?

What is the technique to quick-scoping/ no-scoping in MW2? I understand that there is aim-assist where your crosshair sticks to the enemy, but is that the key to doing it or is there something else I'm unaware of?

  • Sleight of Hand Pro
  • Stopping Power
  • Steady Aim
  • Intervention, FMJ

Practice with a throwing knife if you want, but you need to try and get the character in the middle of your screen and tap the sight and fire at almost the same time. You should not even really see through the scope at any time, though that's up to you to decide what works best.

Also consider carrying akimbo pistols (not G18s) in this class.

No-scoping (Snipers) is close to impossible in MW2. Even shooting at point blank at someone is likely to miss. Avoid No-scoping.

As Tzenes says the key to quick-scoping is Slight of Hand Pro, apart from that it all comes down to your reflexes. The aim assist in MW2 is so slight that it is close to useless especially if you are quick-scoping.