ssh port forwarding is not available (locally) for IP rather localhost only

I have a remote machine at with sshd listening to port 1234 and a web service at port 5678.

For some reasons, I want to 'localize' the http requests to that web service.

When I execute

ssh -L [email protected] -p 1234 -N

On the local machine (, I can view the web service by navigating to:


However, if I point the browser to:

I get error (Error 102: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED if that makes any difference).

Is there a way to make the ssh port forwarding available under ip address rather than localhost?

I need it in order to have the remote service available for other computers on the LAN (

I just found this SSH port forwarding

ssh -L \* [email protected] -p 1234 -N

is the way to go