How to store MySQL query results in another Table?

How to store results from following query into another table. Considering there is an appropriate table already created.

SELECT labels.label,shortabstracts.ShortAbstract,images.LinkToImage,types.Type
FROM ner.images,ner.labels,ner.shortabstracts,ner.types
  AND labels.Resource=shortabstracts.Resource
  AND labels.Resource=types.Resource;

If the table doesn't exist (and you e.g. don't want to create it because it may have lots of column names) you can create it on the fly...


CREATE TABLE another_table SELECT /* your query goes here */

You can use the INSERT INTO TABLE SELECT....syntax:

INSERT INTO new_table_name
SELECT labels.label,shortabstracts.ShortAbstract,images.LinkToImage,types.Type 
FROM ner.images,ner.labels,ner.shortabstracts,ner.types 
WHERE labels.Resource=images.Resource AND labels.Resource=shortabstracts.Resource 
AND labels.Resource=types.Resource;