How to implement first launch tutorial like Android Lollipop apps: Like Sheets, Slides app?

I have Android 5.0 final build flashed in my Nexus 5. I noticed it has very beautiful, clean and elegant way of showing tutorial at first launch. Apps like "Sheets", "Slides" etc.

How can we implement that in our Android L compatible apps?

Also the app fades off the first launch screen and then shows the tutorial.

Tutorial screen 1Initial screen which fades off and shows the tutorial

Solution 1:

There is a pretty good library for emulating these first run tutorials:

AppIntro example screenshot

Click for larger image

Solution 2:

First of all, there's no secret. The quality of the illustrations is the key to get this pretty result. So unless you're a designer yourself, you'll have to find a good designer for them.

Appart from that, I can see several ways to get close to this.

  1. First, there's a very subtle parallax effect on the illustrations. You can achieve it by using this ParallaxTransformPage gist. I use it and it works pretty well.

  2. Also, here's a lib that let you smoothly change the screen's background color while switching pages.

  3. For the splashscreen fade out animation, you can do something like this :

    final ImageView launchScreen = (ImageView) context.findViewById(;
    new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable()
        public void run()
            Animation animation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(context, android.R.anim.fade_out);
            animation.setAnimationListener(new Animation.AnimationListener()
                // ...
                public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation)
    }, 2000);
  4. Follow linkas's answer for the use of a ViewPagerIndicator and how to launch the tutorial only the first time user launches the app.