How many of the "Top 10 favorite British words" are understood by Americans?

Solution 1:

As a reasonably intelligent American, I understand seven of these without the definitions (prat, twee, knackered, plonk, whinge, boffin, pukka). I would say that none of those sound remotely native to the American English speaker with the possible exception of twee, which is occasionally used (although generally with a negative connotation -- sickeningly cute or cloying).

Solution 2:

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that none of these words will be correctly understood by most Americans.

I'm college educated, fairly well-read, and I've never even heard of 6 out of the 10 of these.

  • Prat is the only one that I could have defined correctly.
  • I always thought that knackered meant drunk, but that's probably my own mis-understanding of the context in which I heard it
  • I think I've heard jiggery-pokery and whinge before, but couldn't have defined them for you
  • Never heard the other 6.