Would you run RedHat 4.4 on a new server?

No, I wouldn't run RHEL 4.4 on a new server unless you have a specific need for RHEL4, in which case I'd run RHEL4.9.

  • There are remotely-exploitable vulnerabilities in RHEL4.4
  • You will have dependency problems if you want to install any modern software on RHEL4.

I'd go for RHEL6. It isn't that new.

According to RedHat's Lifecycle Document RHEL 4.4 (and I'm assuming RHEL, and not RedHat as Plain Redhat is DECADES old and out of support now) just left Phase 2, and will receive security updates and bug fixes till Feb 2012. However if I was installing a new server I would push for 5.x.

HOWEVER, at a minimum get them to get to the latests SP.

Given a choice, i would find a different provider. I can understand them not being ready to roll out 6, but 5 really is a must at this point. It just shows that they don't seem to have any interest in keeping current.