How to sort a vector in Rust?

A mutable slice of elements with a total ordering has a sort method.

Because Vec<T> implements DerefMut<[T]>, you can call this method directly on a vector, so vector.sort() works.

To sort a vector v, in most cases v.sort() will be what you need.

If you want to apply a custom ordering rule, you can do that via v.sort_by(). That includes cases where you want to sort values that:

  • don't implement Ord (such as f64, most structs, etc);
  • do implement Ord, but you want to apply a specific non-standard ordering rule.

Also note that sort() and sort_by() use a stable sorting algorithm (i.e., equal elements are not reordered). If you don't need a stable sort, you can use sort_unstable() / sort_unstable_by(), as those are generally a bit faster and use less memory.