Java String.indexOf and empty Strings

The empty string is everywhere, and nowhere. It is within all strings at all times, permeating the essence of their being, yet as you seek it you shall never catch a glimpse.

How many empty strings can you fit at the beginning of a string? Mu

The student said to the teacher,

Teacher, I believe that I have found the nature of the empty string. The empty string is like a particle of dust, and it floats freely through a string as dust floats freely through the room, glistening in a beam of sunlight.

The teacher responded to the student,

Hmm. A fine notion. Now tell me, where is the dust, and where is the sunlight?

The teacher struck the student with a strap and instructed him to continue his meditation.

Well, if it helps, you can think of "FOO" as "" + "FOO".