Is there a way to speed up the combn command to get all unique combinations of 2 elements taken from a vector?

Usually this would be set up like this:

# Get latest version of data.table
install_github("Rdatatable/data.table",  build_vignettes = FALSE)  

# Toy data
d <- data.table(id=as.character(paste0("A", 10001:15000))) 

# Transform data 
d.1 <-$id, 2)))

However, combn is 10 times slower (23sec versus 3 sec on my computer) than calculating all possible combinations using data.table.

d.2 <- d[, list(neighbor=d$id[-which(d$id==id)]), by=c("id")]

Dealing with very large vectors, I am searching for a way to save memory by only calculating the unique combinations (like combn), but with the speed of data.table (see second code snippet).

I appreciate any help.

Solution 1:

You could use combnPrim from gRbase

biocLite("gRbase") # will install dependent packages automatically.
 d.1 <-$id, 2)))
#   user  system elapsed 
# 27.322   0.585  27.674 

d.2 <-$id,2)))
#   user  system elapsed 
#  2.317   0.110   2.425 

identical(d.1[order(V1, V2),], d.2[order(V1,V2),])
#[1] TRUE

Solution 2:

Here's a way using data.table function foverlaps(), that also turns out to be fast!

require(data.table) ## 1.9.4+
d[, `:=`(id1 = 1L, id2 = .I)] ## add interval columns for overlaps
setkey(d, id1, id2)

system.time(olaps <- foverlaps(d, d, type="within", which=TRUE)[xid != yid])
#  0.603   0.062   0.717

Note that foverlaps() does not calculate all permutations. The subset xid != yid is needed to remove self overlaps. The subset could be internally handled more efficiently by implementing ignoreSelf argument - similar to IRanges::findOverlaps.

Now it's just a matter of performing a subset using the ids obtained:

system.time(ans <- setDT(list(d$id[olaps$xid], d$id[olaps$yid])))
#   0.576   0.047   0.662 

So totally, ~1.4 seconds.

The advantage is that you can do the same way even if your data.table d has more than 1 column on which you've to get the combinations for, and using the same amount of memory (since we return the indices). In that case, you'd just do:

cbind(d[olaps$xid, ..your_cols], d[olaps$yid, ..your_cols])

But it's limited to replacing just combn(., 2L). Not more than 2L.

Solution 3:

A post with any variation of the word Fast in the title is incomplete without benchmarks. Before we post any benchmarks, I would just like to mention that since this question was posted, two highly optimized packages, arrangements and RcppAlgos (I am the author) for generating combinations have been released for R. Note that since version 2.3.0 for RcppAlgos we can take advantage of multiple threads for even greater efficiency.

To give you an idea of their speed over combn and gRbase::combnPrim, here is a basic benchmark:

## We test generating just over 3 million combinations
choose(25, 10)
[1] 3268760

microbenchmark(arrngmnt = arrangements::combinations(25, 10),
               combn = combn(25, 10),
               gRBase = gRbase::combnPrim(25, 10),
               serAlgos = RcppAlgos::comboGeneral(25, 10),
               parAlgos = RcppAlgos::comboGeneral(25, 10, nThreads = 4),
               unit = "relative", times = 20)
Unit: relative
    expr        min         lq       mean     median         uq        max neval
arrngmnt   2.979378   3.072319   1.898390   3.756307   2.139258  0.4842967    20
   combn 226.470755 230.410716 118.157110 232.905393 125.718512 17.7778585    20
  gRBase  34.219914  34.209820  18.789954  34.218320  19.934485  3.6455493    20
serAlgos   2.836651   3.078791   2.458645   3.703929   2.231475  1.1652445    20
parAlgos   1.000000   1.000000   1.000000   1.000000   1.000000  1.0000000    20

Now, we benchmark the other functions posted for the very specific case of producing combinations choose 2 and producing a data.table object.

The functions are as follows:

funAkraf <- function(d) {
    a <-$id))      ## from the answer given by @akraf
    setDT(list(V1 = d$id[a[,1]], V2 = d$id[a[,2]]))

funAnirban <- function(d) {
    indices <- combi2inds(d$id)
    ans2 <- setDT(list(d$id[indices$xid], d$id[indices$yid]))

funArun <- function(d) {
    d[, `:=`(id1 = 1L, id2 = .I)] ## add interval columns for overlaps
    setkey(d, id1, id2)
    olaps <- foverlaps(d, d, type="within", which=TRUE)[xid != yid]
    ans <- setDT(list(d$id[olaps$xid], d$id[olaps$yid]))

funArrangements <- function(d) {
  a <- arrangements::combinations(x = d$id, k = 2)
  setDT(list(a[, 1], a[, 2]))

funGRbase <- function(d) {
  a <- gRbase::combnPrim(d$id,2)
  setDT(list(a[1, ], a[2, ]))

funOPCombn <- function(d) {
  a <- combn(d$id, 2)
  setDT(list(a[1, ], a[2, ]))

funRcppAlgos <- function(d) {
  a <- RcppAlgos::comboGeneral(d$id, 2, nThreads = 4)
  setDT(list(a[, 1], a[, 2]))

Benchmark with OP Data

And here are the benchmarks on the example given by the OP:

d <- data.table(id=as.character(paste0("A", 10001:15000))) 

               times = 10, unit = "relative")
    Unit: relative
              expr       min        lq      mean    median        uq       max neval
       funAkraf(d)  3.220550  2.971264  2.815023  2.665616  2.344018  3.383673    10
     funAnirban(d)  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000  1.000000    10
funArrangements(d)  1.464730  1.689231  1.834650  1.960233  1.932361  1.693305    10
        funArun(d)  3.256889  2.908075  2.634831  2.729180  2.432277  2.193849    10
      funGRbase(d)  3.513847  3.340637  3.327845  3.196399  3.291480  3.129362    10
     funOPCombn(d) 30.310469 26.255374 21.656376 22.386270 18.527904 15.626261    10
   funRcppAlgos(d)  1.676808  1.956696  1.943773  2.085968  1.949133  1.804180    10

We see that the function provided by @AnirbanMukherjee is the fastest for this task, followed by RcppAlgos/arrangements. For this task, nThreads has no effect as the vector passed is a character, which is not thread safe. What if we instead converted id to a factor?

Benchmarks with Factors (i.e. Categorical Variables)

dFac <- d
dFac$id <- as.factor(dFac$id)

               times = 10, unit = "relative")
Unit: relative
                 expr        min         lq      mean   median        uq       max   neval
       funAkraf(dFac)  10.898202  10.949896  7.589814 10.01369  8.050005  5.557014      10
     funAnirban(dFac)   3.104212   3.337344  2.317024  3.00254  2.471887  1.530978      10
funArrangements(dFac)   2.054116   2.058768  1.858268  1.94507  2.797956  1.691875      10
        funArun(dFac)  10.646680  12.905119  7.703085 11.50311  8.410893  3.802155      10
      funGRbase(dFac)  16.523356  21.609917 12.991400 19.73776 13.599870  6.498135      10
     funOPCombn(dFac) 108.301876 108.753085 64.338478 95.56197 65.494335 28.183104      10
   funRcppAlgos(dFac)   1.000000   1.000000  1.000000  1.00000  1.000000  1.000000      10 

Now, we see that RcppAlgos is around 2x faster than any other solution. In particular, the RcppAlgos solution is about 3x than the formerly fastest solution given by Anirban. It should be noted that this increase in efficiency was possible because factor variables are really integers underneath the hood with some additional attributes.

Confirm Equality

They all give the same result as well. The only caveat is that the gRbase solution doesn't support factors. That is, if you pass a factor, it will be converted to character. Thus all of the solutions will give the same result if you were to pass dFac except for the gRbase solution:

identical(funAkraf(d), funOPCombn(d))
#[1] TRUE
identical(funAkraf(d), funArrangements(d))
#[1] TRUE
identical(funRcppAlgos(d), funArrangements(d))
#[1] TRUE
identical(funRcppAlgos(d), funAnirban(d))
#[1] TRUE
identical(funRcppAlgos(d), funArun(d))
#[1] TRUE

## different order... we must sort
identical(funRcppAlgos(d), funGRbase(d))
d1 <- funGRbase(d)
d2 <- funRcppAlgos(d)

## now it's the same
identical(d1[order(V1, V2),], d2[order(V1,V2),])
#[1] TRUE

Thanks to @Frank for pointing out how to compare two data.tables without going through the pains of creating new data.tables and then arranging them:

fsetequal(funRcppAlgos(d), funGRbase(d))
[1] TRUE

Solution 4:

Here is a solution using Rcpp.

Rcpp::DataFrame combi2(Rcpp::CharacterVector inputVector){
    int len = inputVector.size();
    int retLen = len * (len-1) / 2;
    Rcpp::CharacterVector outputVector1(retLen);
    Rcpp::CharacterVector outputVector2(retLen);
    int start = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i){
        for (int j = i+1; j < len; ++j){
            outputVector1(start) = inputVector(i);
            outputVector2(start) = inputVector(j);
    return(Rcpp::DataFrame::create(Rcpp::Named("id") = outputVector1,
                              Rcpp::Named("neighbor") = outputVector2));

# Toy data
d <- data.table(id=as.character(paste0("A", 10001:15000))) 

    d.2 <- d[, list(neighbor=d$id[-which(d$id==id)]), by=c("id")]
#  1.908   0.397   2.389

    d[, `:=`(id1 = 1L, id2 = .I)] ## add interval columns for overlaps
    setkey(d, id1, id2)
    olaps <- foverlaps(d, d, type="within", which=TRUE)[xid != yid]
    ans <- setDT(list(d$id[olaps$xid], d$id[olaps$yid]))
#  0.653   0.038   0.705

system.time(ans2 <- combi2(d$id))
#  1.377   0.108   1.495 

Using the Rcpp function to get the indices and then form the data.table, works better.

Rcpp::DataFrame combi2inds(const Rcpp::CharacterVector inputVector){
const int len = inputVector.size();
const int retLen = len * (len-1) / 2;
Rcpp::IntegerVector outputVector1(retLen);
Rcpp::IntegerVector outputVector2(retLen);
int indexSkip;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i){
    indexSkip = len * i - ((i+1) * i)/2;
    for (int j = 0; j < len-1-i; ++j){
        outputVector1(indexSkip+j) = i+1;
        outputVector2(indexSkip+j) = i+j+1+1;
return(Rcpp::DataFrame::create(Rcpp::Named("xid") = outputVector1,
                          Rcpp::Named("yid") = outputVector2));

        indices <- combi2inds(d$id)
        ans2 <- setDT(list(d$id[indices$xid], d$id[indices$yid]))
#  0.389   0.027   0.425 

Solution 5:

Here are two base-R solutions if you don't want to use additional dependencies:

  • uses rep and other sequence generating functions to generate the desired output.

  • comb2.mat creates a matrix, uses upper.tri() to get the upper triangle and which(..., arr.ind = TRUE) to obtain the column and row indices => all combinations.

Possibility 1: <- function(n, rep = FALSE){
    # e.g. n=3 => (1,2), (1,3), (2,3)
    x <- rep(1:n,(n:1)-1)
    i <- seq_along(x)+1
    o <- c(0,cumsum((n-2):1))
    y <- i-o[x]
    # e.g. n=3 => (1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (2,2), (2,3), (3,3)
    x <- rep(1:n,n:1)
    i <- seq_along(x)
    o <- c(0,cumsum(n:2))
    y <- i-o[x]+x-1

Possibility 2: comb2.mat

comb2.mat <- function(n, rep = FALSE){
  # Use which(..., arr.ind = TRUE) to get coordinates.
  m <- matrix(FALSE, nrow = n, ncol = n)
  idxs <- which(upper.tri(m, diag = rep), arr.ind = TRUE)

The functions give the same result as combn(.):

for(i in 2:8){
  # --- ------------------
  stopifnot( == t(combn(i,2)))
  # => Equal

  # --- comb2.mat ------------------
  m <- comb2.mat(i)
  colnames(m) <- NULL   # difference 1: colnames
  m <- m[order(m[,1]),] # difference 2: output order
  stopifnot(m == t(combn(i,2)))
  # => Equal up to above differences

But I have other elements in my vector than sequencial integers!

Use the return values as indices:

v <- LETTERS[1:5]                                     
c <-                             
cbind(v[c[,1]], v[c[,2]])                             
#>       [,1] [,2]
#>  [1,] "A"  "B" 
#>  [2,] "A"  "C" 
#>  [3,] "A"  "D" 
#>  [4,] "A"  "E" 
#>  [5,] "B"  "C" 
#>  [6,] "B"  "D" 
#>  [7,] "B"  "E" 
#>  [8,] "C"  "D" 
#>  [9,] "C"  "E" 
#> [10,] "D"  "E"


time(combn) = ~5x time(comb2.mat) = ~80x time(


n <- 800
  t(combn(n, 2))
#>   Unit: milliseconds
#>                    expr        min         lq       mean     median        uq       max neval
#>    { }   4.394051   4.731737   6.350406   5.334463   7.22677  14.68808   100
#>    {     comb2.mat(n) }  20.131455  22.901534  31.648521  24.411782  26.95821 297.70684   100
#>  {     t(combn(n, 2)) } 363.687284 374.826268 391.038755 380.012274 389.59960 532.30305   100