How do I horizontally scroll in Notepad++?

Solution 1:

How to horizontally scroll in Notepad++?

You can scroll horizontally in Notepad++ the same way(s) you scroll horizontally in any other program. A convenient way

I know the way by dragging horizontal scroll bar, but I would like more convenient way.

It depends on what you consider convenient, but there are a few options.

Scrolling with keyboard

You can usually use the Left and Right keys in combination with some modifiers in most programs. For example, Ctrl+Left/Right usually scrolls all the way or one interval. Also, PageUp and PageDown can usually be combined with Ctrl to scroll one interval horizontally instead of vertically. The same goes for Home and End (which typically scroll to the beginning or end of a line).

In the case of Notepad++ specifically, it doesn’t seem to support any of these by keyboard or via mouse. Unfortunately, even the Shortcut Mapper doesn’t seem to have any horizontal-scrolling items that can be mapped to a hotkey. You could look for a plugin, but there is an easier way:

Universal Solution

Scrolling with mouse wheel while holding Shift key pressed.

Some programs support this intrinsically and some mouse drivers/software supports it, but you easily set it up manually with AutoHotkey.

The AutoHotkey documentation already has a convenient script that lets you scroll horizontally by holding a modifier key and turning the mouse-wheel (reproduced here with Shift instead of LControl):

~Shift & WheelUp::  ; Scroll left
  ControlGetFocus, fcontrol, A
  Loop 2  ; <-- Increase this value to scroll faster.
    SendMessage, 0x114, 0, 0, %fcontrol%, A  ; 0x114=WM_HSCROLL; 0=SB_LINELEFT

~Shift & WheelDown::  ; Scroll right
  ControlGetFocus, fcontrol, A
  Loop 2  ; <-- Increase this value to scroll faster.
    SendMessage, 0x114, 1, 0, %fcontrol%, A  ; 0x114=WM_HSCROLL; 1=SB_LINERIGHT

You can customize and extend the script as needed; for example, you can add keyboard hotkeys, modify the scroll amount, etc.

I have lots of long lines in logs files. And I need to scroll very fast both ways: horizontally and vertically.

You can create multiple hotkeys as above to scroll a little, a medium amount, or a lot to suit your needs. You can even compile your script and run it as a background program.

Solution 2:

As of at least Jan. 1, 2019 (possibly sooner), the feature of horizontal scrolling by holding down Shift + scrolling with the mouse wheel has been added.

Simply update to the most recent version of Notepad++ on your computer. The feature will be enabled by default. You can download the latest version of Notepad++ here:


Solution 3:

  1. My mouse (Logitex RX 250) supports vertical scrolling by tapping the mousewheel to the left and right

  2. in the menu option "view" you can activate the "wrap" option. this will wrap long lines so that vertical scrolling won't be necessary because anything that would leave the window is being wraped and written under the line.

  3. Holding "ctrl" key and then holding right will go to the right jumping from word to word.

Solution 4:

I was also looking for convenient option to scroll horizontally, what worked for me is to right click on scroll arrow, and click on "Page Left" or "Page Right" to move 1 page left or right respectively.

Left Edge and Right Edge also useful to provide similar function that of Home or End.