How to make bash script run with a latency (i.e. wait 1 sec at each iterations)?

I have this bash script;

for (( i = 1 ; i <= 160 ; i++ )); do
  qsub myccomputations"${i}".pbs

Basically, I would prefer if there was a 1 second delay between each iteration. The reason is that at each iterations, it sends the program file mycomputation"${i}$.pbs to a core node for solving. The motivation is that solving in this instance involves the use of pseudo random numbers and the RNG I use (R's) uses CPU time as seed.

So how to you ask bash to

for (( i = 1 ; i <= 160 ; i++ )); do
  wait 1 sec    
  qsub myccomputations"${i}".pbs

Simply use sleep 1 in Bash.

for (( i = 1 ; i <= 160 ; i++ )); do
  sleep 1
  qsub myccomputations"${i}".pbs