What are the "must have" jQuery plugins? [closed]

My list:

  • Autocomplete
    • Input field to enable users quickly finding and selecting some value, leveraging searching and filtering.
  • JSON
    • JSON plugin retrieving retrieving and manipulating json data.
  • Cookie
    • Simple & lightweight utility plugin for reading, writing and deleting cookies.
  • Vaildation
    • For validating form input data.
  • UI
    • Full-featured themable and ready-to-use widgets and more...
  • Interface
    • Dragging, Sortables, Droppables, plug-and-play components and visual effects.
  • Cycle
    • Versatile and lightweight image slideshow plugin.

We currently use:

Most impressive

  • Layout (dock, pin, splitter) - just amazing

Jquery UI elements:

  • Tabs - tabbed UI
  • AutoComplete - suggestion box from web service
  • DatePicker - nice calendar date picker

Useful community plugins:

  • Scrollable - scrolls any div
  • Scrollpane - control scrollbar appearance
  • Table sorter - table sorting (client-side) for any simple table
  • QuickSearch - instant searching of table content
  • Validate - form validation (required / type / custom regEx)
  • HotKeys - traps for key shortcuts. Captures EVERY key on the keyboard. Awesome.
  • BlockUI - awesome modal dialogs
  • Curvy Corners - anti-aliased by default
  • Tokenised input (or Facebook autocomplete with Xs) - Facebook style tokenised autocomplete

More to come, I'll add links etc...

I think that Flot plugin (a plotting library / plugin) deserves a place in this "must-have" list.

In addition, it is used here, in StackOverflow, to display the histogram of the reputation in the user account page.

I'll list one I'm working on...

My jLINQ plugin is a jQuery version of .NET LINQ. It's made for working with in-memory collections (not talking directly to the server) and let's you use syntax similar to the following.

var results = $.from(data)

It supports a bunch of other commands that you find in LINQ for ordering and grouping along with most of the selection commands like contains, between, greaterThan, etc...

Here is a demo - It's stable, but still in progress

Maybe not must have, but might be useful as it progresses...